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PEDIGREE Ranchos Twists - Koiran herkku - 40g

PEDIGREE Ranchos Twists - Koiran herkku - 40g

Normaalihinta €2,90 EUR
Normaalihinta Alennushinta €2,90 EUR
Alennusmyynti Loppuunmyyty
Sisältää veron. Toimituskulut lasketaan kassalla.

Tuotteen PEDIGREE Ranchos Twists - Dog treat - 40g kuvaus


Sugar free No data available
Animal type(s) Dog
Preservative free No data available
Pet food flavor Chicken
Dog breed Any breed
Package type Sachet
Dosage form Solid
Breed size Every size (2 - 80kg)
Soy free Yes
Gluten free Yes
Weight 40 g
Pet specific needs Prevention of the development of tartar and tartar re-formation
Health effects Clean teeth, fresh breath
Pet life stage Mature
No artificial colours Yes

Nutrition facts

Fat content 4%
Protein 81,1%
Crude fibres 0.1%
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